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Sierra Blanca ISD would like to receive input from stakeholders regarding how the district should use its ARP ESSER III stimulus funding for the 2021-2022 school year. Please complete the  Stakeholder Survey here. The deadline to complete the Survey is no later than June 30, 2021.

The purpose of the stimulus funds are to:

1) Address COVID related learning loss

2) Accelerate learning

3) Support the mental health needs of our students

4) Address other barriers to learning (e.g. meals, technology, etc.)

5) Address other health and safety concerns

The feedback the district receives from stakeholders will be an invaluable resource to the district as we move forward with the planning process for how ESSER funds will be used to make the most impact for our students. This survey is available for all current and previously enrolled students, all parents/guardians, and all community members.

The survey is a tool the district is using to garner feedback from its community of stakeholders regarding the ESSER Funds. The district is also receiving input from - including, but not limited to:  Site-based Committees, parent advisory committees, etc.

The Stakeholder Survey will be available to complete until June 30, 2021.  All feedback will be utilized in drafting the plan.  Feedback submitted may also be used as the plan is revisited every 6 months or more if necessary.

UPDATE: The Stakeholder Survey will be available to complete until March 1, 2022.  All feedback will be utilized in making adjustments to the plan.  Feedback submitted may also be used as the plan is revisited every 6 months or more if necessary.

Please click on the link below for the SBISD 2021-2022 return to in-peron learning plan.



ESSER III Use of Funds  SY 21-22 through SY 23-24

SBISD is projected to receive $245,328 in federal funds to assist our learners.

At least 20% of funds are required to address learning loss.  SBISD is planning to allocate $75,188 in the following manner:

Learning Loss Tutoring and Summer School - $36,000

Intervention programs and curriculum fo Academic, Social, and Emotional needs - $39,188

The remaing funds will be used as follows:

Support for special populations - $132,640

Technology (Computer Upgrades) - $37,500

ESSER III Uso de fondos SY 21-22 hasta SY 23-24
Se proyecta que SBISD reciba $ 245,328 en fondos federales para ayudar a nuestros estudiantes.

Se requiere al menos el 20% de los fondos para abordar la pérdida de aprendizaje. SBISD planea asignar $ 75,188 de la siguiente manera:

Tutoría para la pérdida del aprendizaje y escuela de verano - $ 36,000

Programas de intervención y currículo para necesidades académicas, sociales y emocionales - $ 39,188

Los fondos restantes se utilizarán de la siguiente manera:

Apoyo a poblaciones especiales - $ 132,640

Actualizaciones de tecnología (computadora) - $ 37,500